Glaceau Vitamin Water Multi-V (20 oz.)

Location Purchased: Walgreens / 1372 N. Milwaukee Ave. / Chicago, IL
Price: $1.42 + tax
Review: Depending on how much of your faith you put into ad copy and the FDA, Glaceau Vitamin Water is natural on the inside, "the outside is plastic." I'm not sure how much faith I have in anything but skepticism when it comes to consumer goods, but I do whole-heartedly believe that Vitamin Water's Multi-V flavor is delicious.
This belief becomes an important factor when you consider that most food and drink that advertises itself as a healthy alternative tastes like garbage. This is even true with most of Vitamin Water's other flavors. It all has a dull hanging aftertaste much like artificial sweetener in diet sodas. Fortunately, Vitamin Water struck lemon-fresh gold when they developed the multi-v.
With a taste that resembles actual lemonade diluted with fresh distilled water and minimal aftertaste (unlike other supposed thirst-quenching drinks). Glaceau keeps me coming back for this one.
You know Vitamin Water is a thirst quenching drink because it comes in a bottle, much like the other "-ade" drinks, that is shaped like a phallus erupting from an internal shrapnel blast. Have you ever noticed how so many of these bottles have a mushroom head at the top? I'm sure all of you Freudians have something snide to say about this observation, but you know you've noticed it too.
Regardless of the American sexual subconscious and the silver-grey color of the liquid, this is one of the few thirst-quenchers that truly satisfies. You also faithfully get a dollop of vitamins A, C, E and an assortment of Bs from this drink. Woo hoo.
Try it.
Rating: 4.5 / 5
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