Anyone used Grocery yet? Anyone know where the tofu in Chicago went?

Regardless of my desire to prove to all of you that I am a much more interesting than just mastication, metabolism and imbibition, I want to ask you all a few questions about food.
First, to all of my readers:
Has anyone out there used's new Grocery Store? All of the items are non-perishable, so it is still off to your local deli or grocery store for your meats and eggs, but the products they do offer are cheap, eligible for free shipping and make grocery shopping for people without a car (like me) a much easier task. The downside is that most (if not all) of the items must be purchased in bulk. It may be nice to stock up on some staples and essentials, but really... Who needs five pounds of Haribo Gummi Bears?
So please, if any of you have used Amazon's grocery service, I would love to hear your stories. I am planning on placing an order in the near future when I can figure out what kinds of non-perishables I will be using constantly, but I would like to hear a few other people's first-hands. Leave a comment or write me at consumatron[at]consumatron[dot]com.
Next, a quick query to my Chicago readers. Specifically, you south-siders.
Is there anywhere in Bridgeport where I can get some tofu or do I have to go back to eating bratwurst and Fritos seven days a week. Last night I spent at least twenty minutes to find tofu at the Dominick's on Archer & 31st. When I finally asked one of the clerks if they stocked it, I got a paused stare and a midnight "huh?!"
So tell me, is there another market near Archer between Ashland and Halsted that has tofu or should I bike farther northeast into Chinatown for my bean curd needs?
Thanks... I guess I'll go play with my food now. Seeing as I never spend my money on anything else.
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