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Sunday, June 18, 2006

Tostadas de Pisto from Cafe Iberico

Item Purchased: Tostadas de Pisto from Cafe Iberico
Location Purchased: Cafe Iberico / 739 N. LaSalle Dr. / Chicago, IL
Price: $4.25 + tax

Review: This dish features eggplant. I hate eggplant. Yet, I love this dish. Weird, huh? That's the great thing about tapas, though. The dishes are so small that you can afford to try something that may contain something you usually wouldn't touch with a ten foot pole. Kind of like those Choose-Your-Own-Adventure books I read as a kid where I would have the protagonist do all sorts of risky things I would never do like jump off a cliff and light a nun's habit on fire because I knew, no matter what, I could always flip back to the previous fork in the book and choose another path. With tapas, you can always choose another dish. Flip back to the menu. Point. Choose.

This small dish comes with four medium sized toasted pieces of bread buried in heaps of delicious stewed peppers, onion, zucchini, tomato and, yes, eggplant. Cold mushy vegetables are not something I would normally subject myself to but, again, this dish surprised me and I love it. Though the bread is so finely toasted as to make it nearly impossible to cut through without zinging a portion of your food on your lap, I don't mind having vegetable juices running down my forearm as I shovel these Spanish cousins of bruschetta into my mouth. The veggies aren't too soggy and each one retains plenty of flavor and freshness.

Just stay away from the olives... That's where all the sogginess goes.

Rating: 4.25 / 5


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