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Saturday, June 03, 2006

Macaroni & Cheese w/Baked Ham from Eleven City Diner

Item Purchased: Macaroni & Cheese w/Baked Ham from Eleven City Diner
Location Purchased: Eleven City Diner / 1112 S. Wabash / Chicago, IL
Price: $7.95 + tax

Review: It is fairly difficult to screw up macaroni and cheese, but it is equally difficult to improve on it. Eleven City doesn't go out of its way to make its Mac N' Cheese dish exotic, but there is the simple option of adding baked deli ham into the mix which makes what is traditionally looked at as a convenience food seem like a home-cooked meal Mom slaved over. I thought I might be able to share this dish with my vegetarian girlfriend, but the ham is so plentiful and scattered that this proves to be nearly impossible. The top of the pasta dish is slightly browned, creating a crispy cheese crust that melts in your mouth. As for the rest of the dish, get ready to chew. You won't stop until it is all gone. I promise.

Rating: 4 / 5


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