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Sunday, June 11, 2006

Grilled Romaine Salad from Darwin's

Item Purchased: Grilled Romaine Salad from Darwin's
Location Purchased: Darwin's / 1935 N. Damen / Chicago, IL
Price: $7.95 + tax

Review: Bizarre. This appetizer dish consists of an extremely large and fresh romaine heart that has been singed on a grill for a few seconds and dusted with parmesan chese. Interesting concept, but I don't enjoy the hearts of lettuce. Also, the heat of the grill only serves to wilt the leafy, crunchy parts that I do like, so the plate looked like something an enemy would prepare for me to eat while watching some inanity like Survivor.

The saving grace of this dish is the creamy garlic parmesan dressing that could double as the world's most perfect dipping sauce. Way to go Darwin's! You get a point for condiments and a demerit for warm lettuce.

Now if you would serve this fine dressing as a side to your equally tasty fries, you might have something!

Rating: 3.75 / 5


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