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Sunday, June 11, 2006

Bacon And Brie Burger from Darwin's

Item Purchased: Bacon And Brie Burger from Darwin's
Location Purchased: Darwin's / 1935 N. Damen / Chicago, IL
Price: $9.95 + tax

Review: Darwin's is a slightly overpriced bar/restaurant near the intersection of Damen and Armitage. What they lack in value beers, they make up for in food selection and presentation. Their impossible-to-bus twisty plates and signature fries, coated with lush-ious batter and a midwestern blizzard's worth of parmesan cheese are worth the price of a meal alone.

Among all of the interesting choices on Darwin's menu, I couldn't pass up this carnivore's wet dream. This isn't a regular bacon burger my friends. Oh no. The bacon is cooked inside of the ground beef itself, then topped with melting brie, lettuce, tomato and just the right amount of fresh red onion. All of this is cradled inside of a challah bread roll. It sounded too good to be true.

It turned out to be true, but not as good as I expected. Though the burger was fresh and cooked perfectly to my instructions (medium-well), it could have used a bit more bacon. The few pieces I did notice were cooked crispy, but if you wouldn't have told me there was bacon included, I never would have known. The brie was also tasty but (again) skimpy. This would be a perfect burger if there were just a bit more of the ingredients highlighted on the menu present.

P.S. Despite my overall ambiguous feelings toward this dish, I can't stress how perfectly they cooked my burger at Darwin's. Most places either cook medium well as a charred and dry piece of meat or a bleeding mess. Darwin's got it perfect. Medium well (to me) is the point where all pink is gone but all of the juiciness of the animal flesh remains. Mmmmmm.....

Rating: 2.5 / 5


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