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Monday, May 22, 2006

Turkey & Roast Beef Club Sandwich from 7-Eleven

Item Purchased: Turkey & Roast Beef Club Sandwich from 7-Eleven
Location Purchased: 7-Eleven / 1350 S. Halsted / Chicago, IL
Price: $3.69 + tax

Review: I admit it. I was a careless consumer today. I thought I was grabbing the Turkey Sandwich that I often grab for my drab lunch from 7-Eleven. Most sandwiches are packaged differently from each other. This relatively new addition to the 7-Eleven cadre of deli stacks happens to be packaged in exactly the same manner as the Smoked Turkey & Jack Cheese sandwich in its current, sliced-in-half format. To make a long story short, in a blur of sleepiness, sore muscles from moving heavy furniture all weekend and hunger, I grabbed and went.

Instead of jack cheese, this sandwich contains swiss. Instead of wheat bread, this sandwich is nestled between two slices of a darker multi-grain. Instead of southwest mayonnaise, the turkey and roast beef sandwich contains something called "bistro sauce," which is nothing more than a less seasoned mayonnaise. The roast beef is dry and veiny and the small clumps of fat are indistinguishable from small chunks of swiss cheese. Though not a bad sandwich, I can't help but be disappointed that I was such a careless, quick consumer this time around.

That'll teach me.

Rating: 2.75 / 5


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