Take 5 Ice Cream Candy Bar (74g)

Location Purchased: 7-Eleven / 1350 S. Halsted / Chicago, IL
Price: $1.09 + tax
Review: Great zombie in the skies! I know I have no firm spiritual beliefs, but I feel the need to praise whoever it is up there that birthed this orgasmic creation.
Oh, so you mean to tell me that this brilliant frozen treat isn't a gift from above after all, but a product of half-assed R&D? Well, I'll still take it! Seeing as the Blue Bunny company is the force beyond this fatty sin stick, that makes it the only good thing to come out of Iowa (with the exception of my friend Pete). Much like the delight that the regular Take 5 candy bar is, its frozen incarnation brings a smile to my chocolate smeared face. Pretzels, caramel, chocolate, peanuts and my personal favorite, peanut butter flavored ice cream! Can it get any better than this. Though completely separate from each other in the frozen form, the ingredients of this candy seem to instantly swirl and melt together into alchemic eureka. Who would have thought that the addition of pretzel to what is basically an airy twix or snickers would add so much to a simple snack? Whoever did think this is probably the same guy who thought to turn some of the candy bar elements into a frozen treat. May the fates smile favorably down on that soul constantly!
Rating: 4.5 / 5
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