Nissin Cup Noodles Salsa Picante Shrimp (2.25 oz.)

Location Purchased: 7-Eleven / 1350 S. Halsted / Chicago, IL
Price: $0.99 + tax
Review: It seems to me that Nissin's current strategy for bringing us new flavors of noodles is to simply take several old flavors and mash them together. I imagine that this was how corned beef and pastrami hash came about, so maybe some day Nissin will hit the target with a new flavor that everyone raves about. Salsa Picante Shrimp, sadly, is not that flavor.
This cup of instant noodles tastes like someone made bland flour noodles, threw in plastic vegetable rejects, a few members of Sea Monkey royalty then emptied a half bottle of Tabasco sauce into the boiling water. I might like this more if it were just the noodles and hot sauce, but I'm getting quite sick of dehydrated vegetable bits in my lunch.
Oh, and the lime flavor? Yeah right. Forget it.
Rating: 2 / 5
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