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Sunday, May 14, 2006

Life Gives You Lemons, Consumatron Gets Sticky

Update: I know I promised one review a day, but I am currently working on moving my posessions into a storage space and have had no time whatsoever. Reviews are scheduled to return Monday, May 15th. By then I will be certifiably homeless, living out of a few bags and couch surfing. I should have a lot more time to update the site when I am waking up in strange places every morning. There have been homeless bloggers before, but I may go down in history as the first homeless blogger with three jobs. Woohoo!


I'm in the process of moving and the process isn't proceeding as smoothly as I would like it to. This is just a short note to let you all know that until I get settled into my new apartment, storage space or highway underpass, updates will be sporadic and incomplete. I will be eating a lot of convenience foods in the near future, and as much as I enjoy reviewing the marvels of modern convenience foods, I just don't know how much time I will have to do so. I'll try to keep up with at least one unique review per day, time permitting.

Forgive me. I know you will.

As a show of appreciation for your understanding, I will give you some early warning information (and ask for your help at the same time).

This October 3rd will mark the one year anniversary for I don't know about you, but I want to celebrate. Instead of heading out to the Drake and spending ridiculous amounts of currency on Scotch I can't afford, I am planning on throwing a party of sorts. My vision is to have musicians, authors, artists, vendors and the like doing their thing and hawking their wares. Drink is a must. Food is an option.

While the specifics are hazy at this point, I will keep you updated. For now, however, I need your help. If you are interested in providing any sort of service, goods, venue or entertainment for Consumatron's first birthday, please let me know while the plans are still embryonic. Together, I am certain we can birth a great little party for this little website's first shot at blowing out the candles. I already have two authors on board. Let me know what you can do.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I vote for unique reviews - skip the "unreviewable purchases" and the "previously reviewed purchases" although I'm sure those are quick and easy to do. One new product review a day is plenty with so much going on. with a presumably new locale, I'm sure there will be ample opportunity for new product reviews. Good luck with the move.

(thinking about how I can help the birthday party - I am neither artist nor author nor musician)

Tuesday, May 09, 2006 1:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can bring some copies of the Lithuanian world-wide daily and make it available fore sale. All proceeds -- if any -- would go to Some other Lithuanian papers might be also available, one of them called "Business and advertising".

If you need some more tangible help, you know how to find me, although my schedule is tight and I made $1.96 yesterday in "Artis's" restaurant during four hour shift. That definitely makes me elligible to be called an artist, because who else could work for that kind of money?

Thursday, May 11, 2006 1:09:00 PM  

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