FreshBurst Listerine Antiseptic (1 L.)

Location Purchased: Jewel / 1224 S. Wabash Ave. / Chicago, IL
Price: $4.00 + tax
Review: If you don't have dental insurance, you better have a bottle of listerine. You also better rinse with it at least twice a day. If you don't, you will end up looking like a hockey player who eats granite snack cakes. I started using listerine regularly a long time ago when a dental hygeinist who had just finished watching me get four cavities filled confided in me and explained to me that people who don't floss or use listerine are how most dentists make their money. They're still making some scratch off of my lack of string between my teeth but at least there are no rot pockets to speak of.
Listerine contains menthol and eucalyptus as active ingredients so Koalas dip their cigarettes in it. For us humans, though, all it does is make your mouth sting, glow, then sing with cool minty freshness. The directions on the bottle tell you to rinse with Listerine twice a day for 30 seconds at a time. Many times, I have trouble rinsing for the full 30 seconds because the sting is so unbearable. I have been told that this is because I have so much bacteria in my mouth. If my mouth weren't so dirty, it wouldn't hurt as much, they say. I say f#$% that. That s#@& is such a damn lie! Dirty mouth?!
There are several flavors and types of Listerine, but I prefer the FreshBurst. It's a stupid name for a fantastic product, but if that is all that is wrong with it, I'll take it. The first time I went back to the Dentist after beginning to use Listerine, the dentist commented on how much better my mouth looked. How much cleaner. My mouth was no longer dirty. You can take that $%&@ to the bank, %*#$.
Rating: 4.25 / 5
Clean your mouth! with some Listerine from Consume.
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