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Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Eleven Express from Eleven City Diner

Item Purchased: Eleven Express from Eleven City Diner
Location Purchased: Eleven City Diner / 1112 S. Wabash / Chicago, IL
Price: $5.60 + tax

Review: Every diner worth its weight in hangover food needs something like this on the menu. A collaborative option that allows the regular customers on their way to work a chance to order one thing and get something different every day. If I owned a restaurant, I would call this menu option "The Usual" just to confuse people.

The Eleven Express is a trifecta of breakfast-time, on-the-go necessity. You get a cup of coffee, a glass of juice (your choice) and a bakery item of your choice. My choices are usually orange and everything bagel, in that order. Just enough fuel to get me going in the morning. The bagels are filling, come with a large cup of cream cheeze and the juice is fresh squeezed. What more can you ask for from a quick breakfast snack?

This option only saves me a few cents on my bill when compared to ordering these items seperately, but as every morning drunk in search of Vitamin-G (grease), thrifty businessman on the way to the Stock Exchange or poor blogger knows, every little bit counts.

Rating: 4.25 / 5


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