3 Miller High Life Bottles (12 oz.) from The Beachwood (Beechwood) Inn

Location Purchased: Beachwood (Beechwood) Inn / 1415 N. Wood / Chicago, IL
Price: $2.50/ea. w/tax
Review: I don't wish to spend as much time on the Miller High Life product as I do the establishment where I procured it. As much as I love my home city of Milwaukee, WI, Miller products are really nothing to write home about. High Life's tagline is "The champagne of beers" but, to me, it is more like the soda water of beers. It was cheap so everyone was buying it. When you are buying rounds, this is how it goes. My appologies to everyone last night for buying the last High Life. I feel a deep shame that I was buying High Life at all.
Beachwood Inn, however, doesn't even use soda water to clean stains out of dress pants. They use whiskey and a pool cue. Aaron the doorman reads Nelson Algren because he likes it, not because it's the hip thing to do, the bartender takes his time getting your drinks while pulling the niccotine out of his cigarette and pool is free on Tuesdays, but there are rules you have to follow (if last night is an example, one of the unwritten rules is that women who are bad at pool and have big breasts can break all of the rules and take the table. I hope this was an exception). Beachwood always caught my eye, tucked a block away from Milwaukee Avenue, but it always looked like the kind of place that high school football heroes would go to drink. Instead, you have a great mix of low-key sports fans, literary types, people who talk about music through the haze while bitching about the jukebox selections and a great cross section of age groups. With pinball, pool and cheap beers to keep the rounds around, Beechwood is a place I am happy to have stumbled into.
Oh, and just in case you think I found a pocket of Wicker Park sans irony, Beechwood Inn's tagline is "Drink Locally" yet I saw no hint of Chicago brewed beers on the roster.
Product Rating: 2 / 5
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