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Friday, April 14, 2006

Weekly Buy Nothing Day! - Apr. 14th

People seem to think that just because you are busy, you will have to resort to making the quick purchases here and there throughout the day. I'm proof that this isn't so. I've been up since 8:00 AM painting walls, had some coffee that we made from the beans we had around the apartment, ate a full lunch (courtesy of my roommate boss), had some more coffee and am now preparing to go to my second job. I will walk the mile to work instead of taking the bus, making sure I grab something from my fridge before I leave in case I get hungry later in the day. After work, I will show self-restraint if my co-workers want to go and get a drink.

If I happen to get the urge to acquire a new book, DVD or other piece of entertainment, I will simply browse the new barter website, There have been other websites of this kind, but never one so well thought out. You list your items, you get credits and you choose what you want. There is a small transaction fee, but if you list enough of your own media, this fee is waived. Check them out. (via Gapers Block)

Even though it isn't Conservative Shopping Day, I am going to have my own conservative (adjective definition 3 or 7) shopping day...By not shopping at all.

For those of you who aren't as conservative as I am, is still in the tireless midst of a Woot-Off!

See you all tomorrow.


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