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Friday, April 14, 2006

Vanilla Malt from Eleven City Diner

Item Purchased: Vanilla Malt from Eleven City Diner
Location Purchased: Eleven City Diner / 1112 S. Wabash / Chicago, IL
Price: $4.25 + tax

Review: With only twenty some minutes left in my weekly Buy Nothing Day, I buckled and I am sorry. Most of you probably don't think it is a big deal to go out and meet some friends for a malt at eleven o'clock at night and break my blogger's promise. I genuinely hate saying I am going to do something (or not do something in this case) and failing to follow through. It happens, but I can't help but feel guilty. As Buckminster Fuller once said, "only integrity is going to count."

One thing that doesn't lack integrity is Eleven City Diner's vanilla malt. Made with real ice cream (unlike many diners in Chicago that use soft serve) and carefully tended to by Eleven's in-house soda jerk, this just may be one of the most complete and reliable malts in Chicago. Not only is the whipped and iced cream plentiful, the malt powder perfectly proportioned and the accompanying wafer cookie pretty, but in addition to the towering glass milkshake chalice it comes served in, you are also given the remainder of your malt inside of the metal martini shaker that every soda fountain uses to blend ice cream in. My hayfever was bothering me and cold things tend to temporarily relieve my symptoms, so I finished my primary and auxiliary malt in record time. Good experience, bad move.

Eleven's malt is one of the best malts I've experienced in Chicago. I say "experienced" because of the entire process that takes place just behind the counter. If you sit up close, you will even get to watch the new-timey hipster kids who work at Eleven, fiddling and fumbling with the old-timey soda fountain equipment. If that isn't enough to make you smile, the taste of the resulting malt will be.

Rating: 4.5 / 5


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