Small 7-Eleven Exclusive Blend Coffee (12 oz.)

Location Purchased: 7-Eleven / 1400 N. Milwaukee Ave. / Chicago, IL
Price: $1.50 + tax
Review: When I stopped into the 7-Eleven before hopping on the bus this morning, there were three pots of various coffees sitting on burners and one pot of the Exclusive Blend brewing. You never know how long a pot of coffee has been sitting on a burner at an establishment that is open twenty-four hours a day, so I decided to wait for this one to finish its gurgling. This ensured that I had the freshest cup of coffee possible in my hands as I boarded the 56 to go to work. The coffee was so hot, I had to wait through a few bus stops before taking a sip of the earthy smelling wake up call. I was nearly at my transfer at Grand Ave. when I took the first sip of what I expected to taste like high-grade vacuum sealed coffee (not so bad for a convenience store).
Delicately, I brought the cup to my lips. I was careful not to give myself a burn on my morning-sensitive lips. Slowly, slowly, slowly I tipped the cup up until a small taste of the dark liquid splashed across my tongue. Immediately, my eyes popped open and the brain began to whir into gear, forming thoughts and sentence fragments. The first of these thought fragments was: "Why does this coffee taste like high-grade cardboard, liquefied in a juicer and mixed with small quantities of motor oil?"
I didn't even finish this sorry excuse for coffee. Folgers must have had 7-Eleven's coffee in mind when they penned their jingle. Comparatively, Folgers rings true.
Rating: 1.75 / 5
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