Mighty Leaf Organic Mint Malange Tea (1 bag)

Location Purchased: Eleven City Diner / 1112 S. Wabash / Chicago, IL
Price: $2.50 + tax
Review: The tree pollen must be high in Chicago today because I can't breathe to blow my nose! Now I've tried every super-capsule OTC voodoo medication the world of modern medicine has to offer in attempts to relieve my hayfever but nothing seems to work for very long. The medications that do work simply knock me out with their drowsy effects and the rule of prevention (staying indoors in an air-conditioned environment) is so life-numbing that I'd rather suffer a little and use the everyday things that provide me with temporary relief. The two sure things that I have found to clear me up for an hour or so are peppermint tea and cold foods such as ice cream. Though caffeine seems to do the trick, its effects are shorter lived than a politician's promise, so I decided to forego my cup of coffee this morning for a cup of mint tea.
I think $2.50 is a bit expensive for a cup of tea. I realize that Mighty Leaf tea isn't your typical Liptons standard tea, but considering the average consumer can purchase one teabag on their own for ~$0.60, I just bought a cup of tea at a 400% markup. We all know that coffee and tea is to restaurants what popcorn is to movie theaters, so I won't dwell on this, but I do think about it often.
What you get at Eleven is a small pot of hot water, the tea bag and a lemon wedge. Great! I wouldn't expect or want anything more with my tea. The tea, itself, is a strong peppermint tea with hints of citrus and other fruit flavors within. Everything was in place to cause me to praise this cup of tea. The two things preventing me from this praise are my over-active analysis of tea profiteering and the fact that the pollen conditions seemed to be so horrible today that this cup of tea didn't even give me a minutes respite from my congested head and runny nose.
Rating: 3.25 / 5
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