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Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Lindsay California Ripe Sliced Olives (3.8 oz. can)

Item Purchased: Lindsay California Ripe Sliced Olives (3.8 oz. can)
Location Purchased: Jewel / 1224 S. Wabash Ave. / Chicago, IL
Price: $1.09 + tax

Review: I know I just got through saying that I don't like canned vegetables and I stand by that proclamation. Olives, you see, are a fruit, not a vegetable. Though I also hate most canned fruits, olives and peaches are a few I don't mind. In fact, I often prefer olives of the canned sort unless they are high-quality Kalamatas. There is something about the tinny taste of the water and the juicy flesh of each small ovoid. There are times when I simply eat a can of pitted black olives as a snack. I know it's weird, but you don't see me criticizing the way you eat oreos.

As for the pre-sliced variety, I just didn't feel like slicing the tips of my fingers off tonight.

Rating: 3.75 / 5


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