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Friday, April 14, 2006

From the Trackless Train Day department:

The very American Mac Johnson, over at Human Events Online, is attempting to turn the tables on the proposed May Day immigrant shopping and work boycott by urging "every actual American" to "spend in freedom and order in a mall or Wal-Mart" (order in a Wal-Mart?) on what he is dubbing Conservative Shopping Day. He hopes this will "turn the day without illegal aliens into an everyday thing." I couldn't agree more with this genuine mule. In fact...why don't we let all of the illegal immigrants take everything they have contributed to this country with them. Chinese people can take railroads and highways, South Americans can take all of the clothing and electronics they've helped manufacture. Gosh this sure is gonna be fun, me and Mac at the Wal-Mart, trying to find someone who has worked less than sixty hours this week who will be able to direct us to the American-made section of the store. Or maybe it will be easy to find, since all of the Chinese people will have loaded most of the items into thousands of train cars to return them to their rightful creators. Man, this country is gonna be so much fun with rich white guys and dirty-dish landfills as far as the eye can see. (Human Events Online)


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