San Marcos Chilpotle Sauce (7 oz. can)

Location Purchased: Jewel / 1224 S. Wabash Ave. / Chicago, IL
Price: $0.67 + tax
Review: Here's a fun trick to play on someone. Next time you make a pizza from scratch, smear some of this stuff on the dough along with your regular tomato sauce. Let your friends chow down, but keep the slices away from the pets. Getting a good laugh is great, but making your thumbless roommates gag uncontrollably isn't funny, that's just mean.
I've seen people use chilpotle sauce on its own as a dip for chips and as an additive in chili, but I actually do like making pizzas with the stuff. I figure, while I am young and healthy, I am going to enjoy my spicy foods because before you know it, I'll be limited to eating frozen peas and rainbow sherbet.
Unless you want mouth sores (from spiciness), one can of this is enough. Tonight it will be more than enough for the dinner I plan on making.
Rating: 4 / 5
Buy some Chilpotle Sauce from Consume.
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