Hanes Premium Men's Cushion Crew Socks (6 pk.)

Location Purchased: Target / 1154 S. Clark St. / Chicago, IL
Price: $7.99 + tax
Review: I am a bit embarrassed for two reasons. First, the reason I stopped in Target to buy a pack of new socks is because I had no clean ones on my bedroom floor this morning. I was afraid that by the time I walked the little more than a mile to work, my feet would reek, sending my managers and co-workers fleeing into the Romance section (hey, that's actually not so bad). Fortunately, the old pair of foot gloves I was wearing hadn't accumulated too much sweat and I was able to get away with keeping them on until the bulk of my co-workers left for the evening. After they left, I peeled off my socks like an onion's skin, let my feet air out and put two of these new puppies on my feet.
There is nothing like a pair of new socks. The way I buy socks is pretty haphazard, but Hanes' brand of foot mops really make one feel as if they are shuffling around in their slippers while in their shoes. This only lasts as long as the first day you wear them, but that's six days of cradled foot comfort I have to look forward to. Well, five days now.
I'm not sure if the price is really worth this comfortable vanity. Over a buck per pair of socks? They do have the heels sewn into them, but still! This brings me to my second reason for being embarrassed. I work only a block away from the outdoor sock market of Chicago (Union street near Jim's Original Hot Dog Stand) where I probably could have hustled one of the guys hanging out on the sidewalk into giving me similar socks at $0.50 a pair. If only I hadn't been so self conscious about my smelly feet!
Ah well... next time.
Rating: 4 / 5
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