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Friday, March 24, 2006

From the Big Brother Is Paying You department:

It has been only two weeks after one of the largest labor protests in Chicago's history (as well as several others around the country in places such as Milwaukee) rallying against the harsh immigrant laws imposed by H.R. 4437. We have my home state's Republican senator, James Sensenbrenner to thank for that one. England seems to be following suit (good job Tony Blush!) by putting together a comprehensive list of foreign workers to assess whether these people are contributing to the country's economy. I'm going to put together a list of people in both America and England who are actively waging war in the Middle East and other regions around the world to assess whether they are actively contributing to the economy. If they are not, I will simply take the two lists and swap the names. I would love to see Bush and Blair on a five-minute cigarette break after a long day of washing people's dishes. While I'm at it, I might also send Bush and Blair's children to Iraq where many of these immigrants' children have died since 2003. (The Daily Star)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hello i bought the soft choice toilet
tissue but for some reason there is no
line indentions for the square to tear off pieces

Friday, March 24, 2006 11:16:00 PM  
Blogger Kevin said...

Hmm.. Every time I have bought the soft choice there has been perferations. I'm not sure why yours didn't have them.

It does get me thinking, though... why do we even need perferations. It's toilet tissue. It's not like we're going to be handing in the perfectly square pieces of tissue to a professor to be graded. Just one of those modern conveniences we've gotten used to I suppose. But really... do we need to be so anal about our toilet tissue? (pun half-intended)

Saturday, March 25, 2006 1:54:00 PM  

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