Thomas' Cinnamon Raisin Toaster Bagels (15 oz. / 6 bagels)

Location Purchased: Jewel / 1224 S. Wabash Ave. / Chicago, IL
Price: $2.75 + tax
Review: Question: Am I a bad person for munching on my roommate's bagels without asking or am I a good person for replacing them before finishing the bag? If that isn't a consumer chicken-and-egg question, I don't know what is.
I'm really not sure why I have eaten so many of these things lately. Thomas' bagels are a step above dough. It is as if a child had sculpted bagel-shaped objects from cinnamon-flavored play-doh, microwaved them for fifteen seconds and put them into a bag. The raisins inside taste like soggy gummi bears and eating one of these things early in the morning may be detrimental to your mood for the rest of the morning. Thinking and writing about these disgusting dough rings ensures that my roommate will not find any more bagels missing. If ever there is a reason to keep my kitchen stocked with bread or snack foods, it is because when I run out, I find things like this laying around to mooch.
Rating: 1.75 / 5
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