Swanson Certified Organic Vegetarian Vegetable Broth (32 oz. box)

Location Purchased: Jewel / 1224 S. Wabash Ave. / Chicago, IL
Price: $3.56 + tax
Review: I wish they would sell boxed broths in smaller packages. I could have bought a can of this stuff, but sometimes I'm picky and I really don't like the taste of any canned vegetables... even if it is just the juice from vegetables. Canned veggies always have that fourmaldehyde tinny taste that makes me want to gag. I don't need very much of this stuff tonight. I'm making a simple noodle dish with green peppers sauteed in various oils and sauces with a little bit of garlic. The finishing touch is just a splash of this vegetable broth to give the dish a full flavor. I chose Swanson brand simply because it was the only organic variety available at the Jewel this morning. For being a healthy choice, there really isn't much nutrition in this stuff. It's more like water... maybe healthier than water. With this tasty stuff, you get 570mg of sodium per serving, 15 calories and a little tap of vitamin A. I'd say that's a bit healthier than the chlorine-drenched tap water I drink every day. I doubt I would ever use this stuff as a cold remedy or enjoy it on its own any other time, but I do recommend it as a flavor additive for virtually anything you cook on the stove.
Rating: 3.5 / 5
Ugh. I would rate Swanson's 0/5, at least if it tastes the same as when I last bought it. All I could taste was salt and chemicals--it totally overpowered anything I tried to cook with it.
My favorite is Kitchen Basics Roasted Vegetable Stock that Trader Joe's carries, and it's less than $3.00. Whenever I can get a ride there, I stock up on it so I never run out.
(Just my 2cts. worth)
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