Site News
Sometimes I can't believe I've been doing for five months!It just doesn't seem like that much time has passed. Probably because I have been having so much fun doing it. Thanks to everyone who has been reading! I have some ideas brewing for the months to come, but here's what's going on for now:
-Looks like the powers that be are giving me the boot. The building I have lived in for the last year and a half has been sold to an urban developer who will either knock my building down or rehab it into condos that I can't afford. So, come June, they will be kicking my roommates and I out. Oh well, I knew it was to good to last that long the day I moved in. 4000+ sq. ft. only a little over a mile from the Chicago Loop? I've been living a fantasy. That being said, I have a request:
If anyone out there knows of any large raw spaces to live/work in within the Chicago City limits (and preferably near an L station, please let me know. My roommate is a woodworker, sculptor and musician, so in addition to a lot of space, we need to make a lot of noise. We are looking for something within the $1000-$1500/mo. price range that could accommodate a live/work space for 2-3 people. If anyone knows of a place, please get in contact with me.
Due to this sudden news, I will be listing several old items of mine (mostly books and CDs on eBay (or right here on the site). I'll post about it when I do so. Any interest in these items would be greatly appreciated.
-I've begun posting the Consumer News and Links as individual posts. What say you all? Would you rather read the site this way with short news posts scattered among the daily reviews? To me, it is a time-saving way to keep the site updated. Rather than keeping a cache of links I want to post, I just do so immediately and have nothing to worry about later in the day.
If any of you use Bloglines to read blogs/news/etc... you can subscribe to Consumatron by clicking on that image over there (it's also at the bottom of the left sidebar). If you haven't tried Bloglines, you should. It's one of the most convenient ways to organize your daily online reading using RSS, Atom and other feeds. Don't know what that stuff is, don't worry. Head over to Bloglines and they will virtually walk you through setting up some of your favorite feeds. The site keeps track of what you have read and stores new articles for you to peruse. I use it every day and it cuts my online time almost in half.
-I have two book and three record reviews in the works for Mediatron this weekend. Hopefully I can get one of them done before Monday.
Hope you all have a great weekend!
Image from Paul Goyette's Flickr Photostream. This is not my building!

If anyone out there knows of any large raw spaces to live/work in within the Chicago City limits (and preferably near an L station, please let me know. My roommate is a woodworker, sculptor and musician, so in addition to a lot of space, we need to make a lot of noise. We are looking for something within the $1000-$1500/mo. price range that could accommodate a live/work space for 2-3 people. If anyone knows of a place, please get in contact with me.
Due to this sudden news, I will be listing several old items of mine (mostly books and CDs on eBay (or right here on the site). I'll post about it when I do so. Any interest in these items would be greatly appreciated.
-I've begun posting the Consumer News and Links as individual posts. What say you all? Would you rather read the site this way with short news posts scattered among the daily reviews? To me, it is a time-saving way to keep the site updated. Rather than keeping a cache of links I want to post, I just do so immediately and have nothing to worry about later in the day.

-I have two book and three record reviews in the works for Mediatron this weekend. Hopefully I can get one of them done before Monday.
Hope you all have a great weekend!
Image from Paul Goyette's Flickr Photostream. This is not my building!
You know I pass that building almost every day, and they have hardly progressed past that point of distruction. Should it really take that long to take down a building if it only takes a few months to put one up?
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