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Saturday, February 11, 2006

Jewel Brand Soft Choice Ultra Toilet Paper (12 Double Rolls)

Item Purchased: Jewel Brand Soft Choice Ultra Toilet Paper (12 Double Rolls)
Location Purchased: Jewel / 1224 S. Wabash Ave. / Chicago, IL
Price: $7.30 + tax

Review: How does one review a roll of tissue used to wipe clean your nethers? I suppose I could draw pictures of fluffy clouds and cute woodland animals like most toilet paper commercials use to hype their normally unspeakable product, but that's silly romanticism. We're not at a dinner party in a fancy hotel. We're on the can taking care of our business. And when the business is complete, we want something relatively unabrasive to get rid of the excess paperwork so to speak. For a store brand, this TP is gentle and pleasant for the few seconds your relationship with it will last. If you want to stock the cabinet under your bathroom sink and not worry about wiper's rash, you could do worse than this stuff. Also, this toilet paper is no Puffs Plus, but it works well as a facial tissue in a pinch.

Rating: 4 / 5


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