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Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Dynasty Sesame Seed Oil (5oz.)

Item Purchased: Dynasty Sesame Seed Oil (5oz.)
Location Purchased: Jewel / 1224 S. Wabash Ave. / Chicago, IL
Price: $3.79 + tax

Review: Instead of "Dynasty," my receipt says "Synasty." A typo or a Fat Tuesday message? (shrug) I'm not Cajun or religious, so who knows. All I know is that moths and butterflies are a smart bunch for nourishing their larvae on sesame plants. Not to mention that the Japanese are a smart bunch of cooks for using the oil from sesame seeds to cook a lot of their dishes in. Virgin olive oil is great for some things, but when you want the dirtier, sluttier and stronger-tasting oil, go with sesame.

Dynasty Sesame Seed Oil has a earthy scent even before you crack the freshness seal and you can almost taste the nuttiness in whatever it is you are going to fry. Damn, that reminds me, I should have bought nuts for the noodle dish I am making tonight. That makes me want to smack a register! Unfortunately, sesame seed oil is fairly expensive when compared to its pure extra-virgin cousin. Ah well. It is Fat Tuesday!

Rating: 4 / 5

Buy some dirty earthy sesame oil from Consume.


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