Crack N' Snack Hard Cooked Eggs (2 eggs / 3 oz.)

Location Purchased: 7-Eleven / 1350 S. Halsted / Chicago, IL
Price: $0.99 + tax
Review: I went into this whole eggs-from-a-convenience-ordeal with great trepidation. I was expecting the eggs to be rubbery and taste like candle wax. What I got was a pleasant surprise. Instead, when I did indeed crack the shells n' snack on the eggs, my taste buds met with a fairly tasty hard boiled egg. I have no doubt in my mind that eggs packaged in little two packs such as this one come from chickens that move no more than three inches inside of their cages their entire life, but the yolk was not discolored and the white was chewable enough to meet my crackn' snackin' standards. Packaged in a small egg-shaped plastic container, Crack N' Snack eggs come with small truckstop-style packets of salt and pepper which made the first egg tasty when I ate it by itself. I added the second egg to my convenience store noodle lunch for a bit of added flavor and substance. The eggs were a bit on the small side but this is not a bad buy for $0.99.
Rating: 3.75 / 5
Image from Shira Goldberg's Flickr stream.
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