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Friday, January 20, 2006

Vietnamese Coffee

Item Purchased: Vietnamese Coffee
Location Purchased: To-Pho Cafe / 19 N. Wabash / Chicago, IL
Price: $5.00 + tax

Review: Those of you who have been reading Consumatron on a regular basis may have noticed that if there is one thing in the culinary vein of things that I am passionate about, it is coffee. So, whenever there is a form of this black liquid drug for me to try, you can bet your beans I am going to try it.

Vietnamese coffee, as served by To-Pho Cafe is brewed by the cup, rather than by the pot, making it a bold and strong drink. First, you begin with a cup containing a bit of condensed milk at the bottom. Over the top of the cup, you place a metal drip filter with coarse grounds inside and a metal plunger weight atop them. Slowly, you pour hot (almost boiling) water into the top of the filter and patiently wait until the water seeps through the coffee grounds, through the filter bottom and into your cup. This is repeated until your cup is full, yielding an 8 oz cup of black liquid. Since the condensed milk is so dense, you must stir the finished brew with a spoon until the cup is completely mixed. The concoction yields an earthy dark cup of coffee that has a bit of a cocoa taste to it with the slightest hint of sweetness. The end result is what I imagine a mocha to taste like if it were made with half of the usual proportion of milk. Of course, we like our milk, don't we? It brings stars to our eyes and bucks from our billfolds.

Of course, you may know that I usually don't prefer darker coffees, however, this coffee isn't necessarily dark roast, but highly concentrated coffee, like that of espresso. A dense coffee, such as this Vietnamese coffee is a welcome change to my usual morning pick-me-up.

Rating: 4.5 / 5


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