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Sunday, January 29, 2006

Soft Sesame Coated Candy (3 candy patties)

Item Purchased: Soft Sesame Coated Candy (3 candy patties)
Location Purchased: Viet Hoa Plaza Inc. / 1051 W. Argyle / Chicago, IL
Price: $0.96 + tax

Review: These inexpensive and seasame-laden gummy discs are one of my favorite Asian desserts. What you get is a flat caramel colored circle about 5-6" in diameter pocked with more sesame seeds than a D&D player has acne. When you bite into or try to tear these discs into bite-size pieces, the struggle ensues. So sticky and fused together are these candies, that I presume that you burn enough calories tearing and gnawing as you gain by digesting. Made up of peanuts and corn syrup, the candy tastes a lot like Peanut Butter. The sesame seeds enhance the nutty flavor and give the candy a cobblestone texture that prevents the candy from sticking to your teeth. Unfortunately, the sesame seeds themselves stick between your teeth. Such is the life of a candy addict I guess. At $0.96 for three discs, this is a much better value than any peanut butter and chocolate candy bar. If you absolutely need the chocolate flavor however, I suggest spreading some Nutella on these sticky candies. Then watch the messy struggle ensue!

Rating: 4.25 / 5


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