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Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Small Armenian Mint Hot Tea from Argo Tea

Item Purchased: Small Armenian Mint Hot Tea from Argo Tea
Location Purchased: Argo Tea / 16 W. Randolph / Chicago, IL
Price: $2.25 + tax

Review: I've been meaning to check out Argo Tea's location in the Chicago Loop for quite some time now. I don't make it into the loop much anymore. Usually when I do, it is to meet someone at a mutually easy-to-get-to location. This location ends up being the Borders Bookstore on State & Randolph most of the time, which is how I came to find out about Argo Tea. I was standing outside of Borders waiting for a friend and began to pace as I usually do. While pacing westward, I happened upon this dual-level mod tea shop and noticed that they offered free wireless for their customers. Which is exactly why I head over there this morning before having to go to work in the Sears Tower.

This tea offers a stronger mint flavor than most peppermint teas I buy elsewhere. I'm not sure of the tea leaf origins or the specific blend of leaves, or what even makes this tea Armenian, but the menthol scent and smooth mint taste makes me happy I decided to get a cup this morning. The price is a bit high, leaving me to hope that the word Armenian in the name means that this tea was passed down from an actual Armenian recipe and not just a catchy name given to some otherwise cheap mint tea to make it sound fancy.

Argo Tea is a surprisingly relaxing spot to grab a cup of coffee or tea and just relax, for being in the loop. If I ever need to meet someone at an easy-to-get-to location in the near future, this place will be on the top of my list.

Rating: 4.25 / 5


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Make sure you get a frequent drinker card from Argo. (Why don't bars offer those, there is a marketing idea someone can have for free).

Wednesday, January 25, 2006 10:07:00 AM  

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