McCormick Black Peppercorn Grinder

Location Purchased: Jewel / 1224 S. Wabash Ave. / Chicago, IL
Price: $2.49 + tax
Review: I feel cheated. I bought this tiny pepper grinder thinking that after I had exhausted the pepper inside, I could refill it with more peppercorn that I would buy in bulk. I didn't notice until later that the label on the outside says to dispose this miniature glass grinder when it is empty. The grinding mechanism is a cheap plastic top that will probably snap if I try and force it off, but when I finally use all of the pepper inside, you can bet I am going to try to hack this otherwise handy little device. Pepper mills have always seemed obnoxiously large to me. If I could find one this size that I could refill for only a couple of bucks, I would buy it up in a second. Regardless of the wasteful, profit-enhancing design of this little contraption, the black pepper inside is strong and the grinder spits out a good mix of fine and coarse pepper pieces.
Rating: 2.5 / 5
Buy a McCormick Peppercorn Grinder from Consume
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