Krinos Kalamata Olives (8 oz.)

Item Purchased: Krinos Kalamata Olives (8 oz.)
Location Purchased: Jewel / 1224 S. Wabash Ave. / Chicago, IL
Price: $3.99 + tax
Review: All of the fresh serve-yourself olives available at jewel looked like baby toes after a long bath. Wrinkled to hell and soggy! So, after a bit of digging around, I found this pre-packaged container of Kalamatas that looked as if they had just been picked from the branch before it was given away in an act of goodwill. These olives have smooth skins and a healthy brownish-red color. They come bathed in oil like all good olives should. The only thing that worries me is that the package says that these olives are good until January of 2007. What kind of space-age chemical/vacuum needs to be used in order to preserve plants that long? The package reports that these olives are imported and fresh. How fresh can produce be if it lasts for over a year? Maybe eating these olives will help me to live a longer, oilier life?
Note: My package is smaller than the one pictured.
Rating: 3.75 / 5
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