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Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Jewel Nonfat Yogurt - Plain (32 oz.)

Item Purchased: Jewel Nonfat Yogurt - Plain (32 oz.)
Location Purchased: Jewel / 1224 S. Wabash Ave. / Chicago, IL
Price: $2.70 + tax

Review: Plain Yogurt, to me, is the culinary equivalent of acrylic gesso. It is the base for many foods and desserts. The primer for all sorts of ingredients that have actual flavor beyond sour and milky. Despite this view of yogurt, I still know people who eat the stuff with nothing else in or on it by the spoonfull. I have one question for these people: WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU? DID YOU EAT PASTE AS A CHILD?

Okay, so that is two questions, but they go hand in hand really. Given the situation.

Enough about ludicrous dietary activities. I purchased this extremely large tub of edible gesso in order to provide the base for a vegetable dip I am making tonight. I will be adding garlic, mint, onion, salt, pepper and a bit of cucumber to it. You know... Things that have flavor? My kitchen canvas will become a Modigliani or, at the very least, a Thomas Kinkade. I will be the Cooker of Light! Sorry to all of you paste-eaters, but this little dish might be too much for you.

Now I just have to figure out what I am going to do with the rest of the yogurt after I am done cooking up the neon.

Rating: 2.75 / 5


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