Grande Medium Yukon Blend Coffee from Starbucks Coffee

Location Purchased: Starbucks Coffee / Sears Tower / 233 S. Wacker / Chicago, IL
Price: $1.70 + tax
Review: So I am stuck working in the Sears Tower today where there are two options for coffee. The first option is Starbucks, which you all know how much I hate. The second option is Corner Bakery. Though I hate to admit it, Corner Bakery wins the Consumatron award of being one of the only places that makes worse coffee than Starbucks. Their coffee is light roast just the way I like it, has a light caramel flavor just the way I like it, but Corner Bakery either doesn't use enough coffee grounds in their filters or they water it down after it is done brewing. I am ashamed to admit that Corner Bakery might be able to learn something from Starbucks. If there is one thing worse than coffee that is too dark, it is coffee that tastes like a coffee flavored soup.
All that being said, I trudged into the Starbucks on the ground level of the Sears Tower and ordered a "medium" coffee. The overly-enthusiastic nice young man behind the counter promptly corrected me by repeating "Grande Coffee?" I begrudgingly said "yes" and thought to myself just give me my damn caffeine regardless of what you call the cup it comes in!
The Yukon blend doesn't taste like anything I've ever had from the Yukon. Instead, it tastes like someone filtered water through dirt from the Yukon the, for good measure, dumped a few of the old grounds in the cup of coffee too.
Rating: 1.25 / 5
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