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Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Consumer News and Links for Jan. 31st (Morning Edition)

From the Not The Result, But The Experience department:

Leave it to the Japanese to come up with the ultimate postmodern shopping spree. At this website, you pay money to purchase an item of your choice. However, you don't actually recieve the item itself, but a video of a Japanese woman shopping gleefully for you. Now even if you are a shopaholic but don't have the room for more stuff, you can still experience the joy of the purchase. Totally weird and somewhat disturbing! (Mofukunosusowokarage via Boing Boing)

From the International Relations department:

Author and investment strategist Bob Froelich outlines a new generation of Chinese youth in his new book, Investment Megatrends. Today's Chinese 20-30 year olds keep a credit debt higher than the average American, revel in instant consumer gratification and have a deep ache for American products. His name for this group of people? Chuppies. (groan) I think back to all of the "made in China" stickers that I have seen in my life and can't imagine being excited about seeing a tag that says "Made in the U.S.A." Does this mean that Chinese people are buying all of our overalls, tractors and day-traders? (Miami Herald)


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