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Monday, January 23, 2006

Consumer News and Links for Jan. 23rd (Late Edition)

From the Melon Baller Sounds Like Something Dirty! department:

Rex Jory at the Advertiser in Australia argues that we can gauge our consumerism by the crazy contraptions in our kitchens. Things he has in his kitchen include a plastic pineapple corer, a strawberry huller and a metal melon baller. I don't even know what these things are! The most exotic tool in my kitchen is a pepper mill. Who needs all that stuff? If you own any of this stuff, do you actually use it on a regular basis? I'm just curious. I love to cook and prepare food, but I can't think of one single instance where I would need a melon baller in place of a spoon that I already own. (The Advertiser)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I will admit I sometimes use the garlic peeler when the flat edge of a knife does not do the trick, and my son can't live without the cherry pitter. How else does a 5 year old remove the pits from cherries and olives without possibly swallowing one and choking to death?

Tuesday, January 24, 2006 9:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

o great consumatron, i own a melon baller, and let me ASSure you, there are more uses for it than you can imagine! no hom(o)e should be without one.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006 11:57:00 AM  
Blogger dejamo said...

I actually own a plastic pineapple corer. I got it free at Jewel when I bought a pineapple. I used it once. It works like an apple corer--it's a hollow tube that you twist down through the pineapple that cuts around the core. The only problem is (as with apple corers), you don't always get the core and you can waste some of the good stuff and still have to cut away core.

It's now languishing in a box with other single-use contraptions I only used once, if ever.

I'm with Alton Brown--the more multi-purpose items you own, the better.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006 12:21:00 PM  
Blogger Kevin said...

I understand the cherry peeler for children. Although, when I was five, I would have loved to make a mess digging cherry pits out with my fingers and eating the cherry mash with a spoon. Though I can see how that would be troublesome for you at clean-up time.

Larry, I read your comment while I was drinking my morning coffee. Have you ever tasted coffee tinged with vomit? No? I'll save you some.

Dejamo, I agree on the more multi-purpose items. That probably means less items all in all. Swiss army knives for the kitchen?

Tuesday, January 24, 2006 12:26:00 PM  

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