Consumer News and Links for Jan. 27th (Late Edition)
From the Indie Shopper department:
I randomly ran across this site while surfing the web. is a sort of internet middle-man between the consumer and independent business owners. You can use to search for whatever it is you need and they will bypass all of the megamarts and superstores to put you in touch with what is the modern day equivalent of a mom-and-pop store. Kinda cool. Be sure to check out their "Hot Buys" section while you are there! (
From the Talk Is Cheap, Data Storage Is Cheaper department:

Holy keychain cache Batman! has a Memorex 2 GB USB 2.0 Travel Drive for only $69.99 after a $25 mail-in rebate! (
Image from
I randomly ran across this site while surfing the web. is a sort of internet middle-man between the consumer and independent business owners. You can use to search for whatever it is you need and they will bypass all of the megamarts and superstores to put you in touch with what is the modern day equivalent of a mom-and-pop store. Kinda cool. Be sure to check out their "Hot Buys" section while you are there! (
From the Talk Is Cheap, Data Storage Is Cheaper department:

Holy keychain cache Batman! has a Memorex 2 GB USB 2.0 Travel Drive for only $69.99 after a $25 mail-in rebate! (
Image from
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