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Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Wasabi Tempura Avocado And Lime Glazed Asparagus Maki from Rodan

Item Purchased: Wasabi Tempura Avocado And Lime Glazed Asparagus Maki from Rodan
Location Purchased: Rodan / 1530 N. Milwaukee / Chicago, IL
Price: $7.00 + tax

Review: I've raved about the food at Rodan beforee, so I will keep it to a minimum here. But damn, it's so good, stylish and affordable! Mostly good though. Eight pieces of avocado and asparagus rolled up in sticky rice and seaweed, arranged on a long rectangular plate. On the side is a generous dollop of army green wasabi with the spicy artillery to boot and ginger shavings folded ever so neatly atop one another as if it were being packed in a little sushi suitcase for vacation. There is also a square china dish that serves as a soy sauce wading pool for the maki. I like to let them sit in there until I see the sauce soak up from the bottom then stuff the entire piece in my mouth and enjoy the juicy bite and wasabi afterburn in my sinuses. The advertised lime glaze is subtle but noticeably present and it adds a whole new dimension to your sushi experience.

All this from an appetizer, which is what Rodan limits their menu to after 11:00 PM. With appetizers this good an this filling, you don't have to worry much about when you show up. Just show up and enjoy the music, atmosphere, not-as-pretty-as-they-think-they-are crowd and then get lost in the friendly service and spot on kitchen creations.

Rating: 4.5 / 5


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