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Sunday, December 11, 2005

Turkey Sandwich from Coffee on Milwaukee

Item Purchased: Turkey Sandwich from Coffee on Milwaukee
Location Purchased: Coffee on Milwaukee / 1046 N. Milwaukee Ave. / Chicago, IL
Price: $4.49 + tax

Review: I was sitting around all day today using the free Wi-Fi at Coffee on Milwaukee when I got to feeling the hunger deep inside my soul... or at least inside my stomach. Not feeling up to walking around in the slushy Chicago winter to get some chinese takeout, so I made Josh's day and ordered a turkey sandwich.

The sandwiches at Coffee on Milwaukee are nothing to write home about, but they prepare them fresh right before your eyes and put on any and all of the available ingredients you like. I had my sandwich on wheat bread with lettuce, tomato, green pepper and mustard. Toasted and cut in half, just like Mom used to make, my sandwich experience was reminiscent of hanging out in my parent's basement with my friends when I was a kid. As Josh will attest, making sandwiches is kind of a pain for the employees at Coffee on Milwaukee, but they are fresh and taste good, so if you order one, be sure and drop whatever spare change plus a buck or two in the tip jar for 'em! Also, be sure to grab a bag of chips on the way to your table, as you get one free with each sandwich purchase.

Rating: 4 / 5


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