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Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Southwest Chicken Soup Breadbowl from Quiznos

Item Purchased: Southwest Chicken Soup Breadbowl from Quiznos
Location Purchased: Quiznos / 1332 S. Halsted / Chicago, IL
Price: $5.49 + tax

Review: I can't pass up soup served in a breadbowl, even if it is from the over-priced sandwich shop, Quiznos. You know that saying, "Crazier than a soup sandwich?" Well, I think that must be an older saying from the time before some culinary Michaelangelo came up with the idea to hollow out a dough ball and serve soup in it. Unfortunately, I probably should have passed this edible soup bowl up. Inside of the bread clump was three or four strips of lightly grilled chicken and a melted layer of cheddar cheese. It all had a waxy look to it which I tried to forget when the creamy soup, chunked with corn and spices, was poured over it all. The bread was shiny, crispy and warm, but the soup itself sloshed creamily around in my stomach for hours after I finished eating the last bite. Imagine trying to eat a bowl of soup in the form of a sandwich made with a croissant. That's what this was. Plus a light feeling of nausea atop all of that. Blech. I should know better than to go to quiznos, but the convenience and close location brings me back time and time again.

Rating: 2 / 5


Blogger Kevin said...

I agree the sandwiches are better than most other sandwich shops. Though can I recommend two affordable and tasty alternatives? If you are lucky enough to have them in your area, try Potbelly's or Cousins. Potbelly's is cheap, good and boisterous. Cousins is a bit expensive, but the ingredients are always fresh and the bread is outstanding...not that squishy spongebread that Subway uses.

Thursday, December 22, 2005 1:37:00 PM  

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