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Thursday, December 15, 2005

Killian's Irish Red Premium Lager (6 pk)

Item Purchased: Killian's Irish Red Premium Lager (6 pk)
Location Purchased: Jewel / 1224 S. Wabash Ave. / Chicago, IL
Price: $6.29 + tax

Review: Red beers have always been some of my favorite. Between Killian's and Leinenkugel's Red, I think I would choose the Leine's, but that may only be due to the fact that they are located in my home-state of Wisconsin. I may not be loyal to a sports team, but if I have to be territorial about something, it may as well be my intoxicating substances.

Killian's Red is usually a medium-priced beer and usually on ice at the Jewel, so it makes for a great late-night cap right before going to bed. The slightly malty taste and refreshing consistency of this beer went well with the spicy brown rice & beans topped with scrambled eggs that I made for a late-night snack. After only two bottles of the brew, I was feeling pretty good. Just relaxed enough to still think and get some writing done before crashing out on my futon. Killian's has no stale aftertaste like a lot of amber beers tend to and as an added bonus, the great pop band Nada Surf wrote a song about the beer. You can read the lyrics here.

Killian's Red. An affordable beer that I can't think of a meal it would go bad with... except maybe cereal. But if you drink beer while you eat cereal, you've got worst problems than which beer to choose. Like picking out the right kind of milk to go on your cereal.

You can buy Nada Surf's great new album "The Weight is a Gift" at by the way: Consume.

Rating: 4 / 5


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