It's the day before Christmas and there is no doubt in my mind that teenage boys across the country are sweating and shaking in shopping malls across the country ready to max out their first credit card for diamond earings the size of pinheads to give to their high school sweetheart in hopes of getting a little nookie. Luckily, there are organizations out there like Planned Parenthood who dedicate themselves to educating and supplying people with all of the necessary knowledge and materials needed to prevent an unwanted pregnancy. As well as providing the questionable option of abortion, PP provides condoms and contraceptive to young and old alike. Regardless of where you stand on the Abortion issue, I am sure most of us can agree that teenage children should not be parents in this country. Also, the amounts of sexual health and information that PP provides to its clients is invaluable. They help stop the spread of STIs, STDs and whatever other acronym you give to sexually transmitted diseases. So, please, snuggle up with your loved (or just really really liked) ones this holiday season, get messy and wild, but also remember to take precaution, and help others to do the same by donating to Planned Parenthood.
To make a donation, follow
this link.
To view Planned Parenthood's Give.org report,
click here.
And remember to let me know if you make a donation. I'll send you some Consumatron.com buttons and enter you into a drawing for one of our sweatshirts. Read
this post for more information.
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