I have had the privalege, on several occasions, to spend time with Autistic children. I have seen the brilliance shine through from what is, at first glance, a debilitating condition. At first exposure, autism may elicit pity or discomfort in those around, but as you spend more and more time with an autistic person, the discoveries are nothing short of fascinating. The way almost nothing in the mind of an autistic person seems to perform up to par, until there is that glimpse of streamlined understanding and humanity. It's not like Rainman, but rather a look or a sound that makes you feel as if there is something extraordinary going on in the person's mind. The most frustrating aspect of autism is the fact that communication is nearly impossible because the condition inhibits a person's ability to respond to surroundings and form relationships with others. This is a devastating thing to families with a child that is autistic. The National Alliance For Autism Research spends their time and money researching treatments and cures to this disorder in attempts to make it possible for people with autism to connect with the people who love them. Sadly, autism research is one of the least funded medical programs today. Please help if you can.
To make a donation, fololow
this link.
To view the NAAR's Give.org report,
click here.
And remember to let me know if you make a donation. I'll send you some Consumatron.com buttons and enter you into a drawing for one of our sweatshirts. Read
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