Holiday Charity for Dec. 16th - National Center for Family Literacy

Okay, so those of you who know me knew that this would be coming sooner or later. I work in a bookstore and because I still believe that the printed word has the power to enlighten us and make us better human beings, literacy is important to me. Even though I will rail on for hours against the popularity of shoddy fiction like the Da Vinci Code, deep down, I am happy that people walk through the doors of a bookstore at all any more. It's amazing how many people in the U.S. alone can't read above a fourth grade level (which, btw, is written at about a fourth grade reading level IMHO). The National Center for Family Literacy funds programs to help children as well as adults learn to read and also fund several ESL programs. So please, help fund literacy in our country by making a donation.
To make a donation, follow this link.
To view the NCFL's report, click here.
And remember to let me know if you make a donation. I'll send you some buttons and enter you into a drawing for one of our sweatshirts. Read this post for more information.
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