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Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Deli Select Sliced Turkey Breast (0.56 lb.)

Item Purchased: Deli Select Sliced Turkey Breast (0.56 lb.)
Location Purchased: Jewel / 1224 S. Wabash Ave. / Chicago, IL
Price: $3.68 + tax ($6.58/lb)

Review: Can anyone really tell the difference between the inexpensive deli turkey and the high-falutin' premium deli turkey at the supermarket? I'm convinced it's all from the same turkey torture plant. Sure some might have a honey glaze sprayed on them to give them a glossy sheen under the flourescent deli lights, but really, they are all pretty much the same.

That's why I opted for the cheapest turkey in the glass case. Incidentally, it was also the largest chunk of turkey left in the glass case. My fellow shoppers seem to be easily fooled. Ah well. More juicy discount fowl for me! That's just what I will be snacking on at work through Thursday too... juicy, taste-filled turkey. No veins or tendons in these cuts o' carnage. Call me a snob, but I hate those vacuum sealed turkey discs that you get out of the lunch meat section. Those things are always salty and have some kind of sausage casing along the outside edge. Not with the deli-cut real deal.

Besides, ever since I graduated High School in 1997, there is really no other place I can see a sweet (but obviously tired-of-her-job) woman in a hairnet and plastic gloves handle foodstuffs.

Rating: 4 / 5


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