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Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Dec. 13th - Unreviewable Purchases

Item Purchased: Prairie Farms Half & Half (1 pint carton)
Location Purchased: 7-Eleven / 1350 S. Halsted / Chicago, IL
Price: $1.69 + tax
Note: I used the last of the cream in the refrigerator at work. I wanted to restock so I wouldn't upset the supremely cranky HR manager, Lawrence. Thinking it dangerous to crack the new cream, I left it unopened as an act of good will. I think my co-worker Pete used it though, which is only fair since he's the one who picked it up for me when he went to the 7-Eleven.

Item Purchased: Glass of Shiraz from Rodan
Location Purchased: Rodan / 1530 N. Milwaukee / Chicago, IL
Price: $6.00
Note: Purchased for Michaelia on the eve of her departure to the city of sin.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

first, i am not supremely cranky; i am supreme and/or supremely correct!

secondly, i am the business manager, not only the HR manager; when i pontificate, it is from that office and not as the HR manager.

third, i am the one who bought and brought the better branded and more expensive half-and-half that your cheap butt was using up, causing you to have to replace it with an inferior substitute. so don't be ragging on me just because you're a conspicious consumer who conspiciously consumes others' products.

fourth, what about the fabulous vanilla hazelnut coffee that i so graciously and freely provided that you used my fabu cream in?

fifth, where's my potato chips?

Wednesday, December 14, 2005 1:01:00 PM  
Blogger Kevin said...

First of all, you most certainly are supremely cranky at times, and rarely correct.

Secondly, you need to announce which office you are pontificating from so as not to mislead the rest of us.

Third, better branded? Is there that much difference between Prairie Farms and Deans? Besides, Prairie Farms Half & Half uses a cardboard carton opposed to a plastic jug. If we must waste, can't we waste with the more biodegradable option? You manage your business, I'll manage mine. And for the record, you offered the half and half to me. Don't try and make my readers think I am some kind of thief. The only conspicuous thing here is your backpedaling, much like the colonizers did to the Native Americans... the true origin of the questionable term, "Indian Giver." I'm not saying the term applies to you, just a conspicuous coincidence.

Fourth. If your idea of fabulous is glazing perfectly good coffee beans with some cheap sugar spray, then fabu is something I will never aspire to.

Fifth, keep reading up the page. You got 'em.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005 6:24:00 PM  

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