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Thursday, December 22, 2005

Consumer News and Links for Dec. 22nd

From the "That's So Five Days Ago..." department:

-Today at, they are offering a small (128Mb and dimensions of a cigarette lighter) and cheap ($24.99 w/shipping) MP3 player. You can only fit 30-60 songs on this little thing, but I think it's a great little opportunity for those of you who don't have an iPod yet. I have an iPod and I think I want one of these puppies to store samples and kick around mix ideas to my DJ friends. You can also use it as a USB hard drive to transfer files. If you don't need the latest and greatest toys but still want to keep up with the times, today's woot is for you. (

From the It Ain't Easy Being Green department:

-The Jim Henson Company has announced the first annual Jim Henson Honors winners. Among the winners are JK Rowling for encouraging people of all ages to rediscover the joys of reading and the Toyota Prius hybrid automobile. Jim Henson is a hero of sorts to me due to my love of puppetry and Doozers. Awarding fun, innovation and social commitment, these awards are more important than any Grammy or Grouch (er... I mean Oscar). And I have to agree that the Prius is an amazing machine. (PR Newswire)

From the Beggars Can Be Independents department:

-I work at an independent bookstore here in Chicago and I will be the first one to tell you how hard it is to compete with the big chains. Our main strategy has always been to hire people who are passionate about books instead of simply cashiers so that the customer can relate to us and find something new and exciting to read. Obviously this isn't enough for the customers of Lorem Ipsum in Cambridge. This holiday season, they are offering Indulgence certificates to their customers. Basically, you pay any amount of money and get a little slip of paper that absolves you from any chain-store purchases you have made over the last year. Cute. Maybe we'll have our booksellers stand out on the street with coffee cups and ask people for change next year to cover our costs. This gimmick would make me steer clear of Lorem Ipsum and make a b-line for the nearest Barnes and Noble or Borders. There, I am sure to encounter stylish hipsters and college students who don't know Dubravka Ugresic from Danielle Steel, but at least I won't be guilted into making a donation. Worst idea ever. (LoremLabs via Consumerist)


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