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Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Consumer News and Links for Dec. 20th

Saving by Spending department:

-CNET News has an article about a new online T-shirt shop called that helps out non-profit organizations through T-Shirt sales. Their tagline is Capitalism Done Right and it seems to fit. Offering nearly 70% of the profits made to the designer or organization selling their shirts, which is far far better than other online T-Shirt shops like, Goodstorm offers charitable organizations an easy and stylish way to raise funds for their cause. I think this is a fantastic idea and am thinking of setting up a shop with these guys after the new year if they will have me. Maybe give the proceeds to a different organization every month? Let me know what you think. (CNET News article -

Black Markinomics department:

-It wouldn't be Christmas time without a slew of reports concerning attempted shoplifting at Walmart by some dumbass. In Columbus, Nebraska, a couple tried to return a power washer and a welder to the store by taking the items from the shelf, wheeling them around in a cart and walking up to the front. I've only ever driven through Nebraska so I don't really know what Christmas entails there, but if some of the most common Christmas gifts include power washers and welders, Nebraska's cultural scene must be something else! If you are going to try the oldest trick in the book, at least pick something that is believable as a gift! (The Fremont Tribune)

Needless But Useful department: seems to think the Miracle Remote brand-specific remote control is a laughable item. I doubt Gizmodo has ever tried to program a universal remote for my roommate's television. We can get the remote to do everything but change the inputs so we can't watch movies. In my apartment, we only get about 3.5 channels. There is only so much Mexican soap opera actresses can do to liven up a lazy Sunday. I'm hoping this thing works. It'll make a perfect Christmas gift for my roomie. (Miracle Remote via Gizmodo)


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