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Sunday, December 11, 2005

Bangers and Mash from The Abbey Pub

Item Purchased: Bangers and Mash from The Abbey Pub
Location Purchased: The Abbey Pub / 3420 W. Grace / Chicago, IL
Price: $7.95 + tax

Review: The first time I had bangers and mash, I thought it was something dirty until my plate came. It was only after it came out of the kitchen that I realized that it wasn't. At least not in the carnal sense of the word. By the looks of it though, bangers and mash will cause your arteries to need a good cleaning. And if there's one thing I know in this world, it's that anything that looks that bad for you has got to taste good.

The Abbey Pub's Bangers and Mash try and put on an air of healthiness by coming served with a pile of steamed and seasoned vegetables. Let's be honest though, no one eats much of these things. First of all, the veggies aren't all that great and second, they taste as if they were glazed with the very gravy that sits in a pool atop the hefty mound of freshly mashed potatos. As soon as you pop, say, a piece of broccoli in your mouth, you immediately crave the lumpy potatos and gravy. Then the chain reaction begins and you come upon the four thick and greasy sausages buried underneath the potato pile. The sausages are plump and taste as if they are made from only a few animal parts rather than every animal part like a typical sausage does.

The Abbey's bangers and mash will probably give you a heart attack, and if that isn't a glowing review, I don't know what is. Good thing I ate a vegetarian breakfast this morning.

Rating: 4.25 / 5


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